Monday, March 21, 2011

Thanks to all!

Many thanks to all of you that were able to make it to the workday on Tuesday, March 15.  We got lots accomplished and are getting very close to being able to open and provide shelter for those who find themselves without a home. 

Folks came from Madrid, Ogden, Boone, and all parts inbetween to help out.  Young and older, alike, pitched in as we painted, took out a ceiling, moved the storage room, did some clean up, and had a good time working together.  Check back in a couple days to find out when the next workday will be.  We are going to keep needing your help.  It does take a whole village/county to provide shelter for the needy of Boone county.

Many thank, again, to all who were able to join us.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Shelter Work Day

We are trying to get Crawford Hall Family Shelter ready to help the homeless of Boone County.  Plan to join us Tuesday, March 15, for a work day.  We'll have two shifts from 9-11:30 and 2-4:30.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, November 15, 2010

Crawford Hall Family Shelter Benefit THIS THURSDAY!!

Come and join your community for a reading of ' Stone Soup', a bowl of soup ( with ot without the stone), and a tour of the shelter. See how far we have come in getting the shelter ready for guests and what remains to be completed before we can open! 5:00- 7:00pm NO COST! Free Will Donations will benefit the Boone County Family Shelter.

Lower Level of Crawford Hall
107 State Street Boone, IA
Thursday, November 18th, 5-7 pm